In the heart of a urban apartment, a compact living room takes center stage by The Glade Design Studio. What began as a narrow-windowed space has undergone a…
When it came to the design of this Southern California home by Jennifer Miller Studio, it was all about respecting—not reinventing—the property. Just a block away from the bustling…
The architect and interior designer Marta Chrapka treated her new apartment as an experiment. It was bought quickly, right after the pandemic, when there was no choice on…
This house in Mallorca was designed to express the love of the owners, a couple from Germany and their children, for the southern Mediterranean. They have a particular…
A collector’s apartment in a historic building on Place Dauphine, the AFTER BACH Studio drew inspiration not only from the quintessentially Parisian location – the property has views…
Greyleigh is 200 acres of beauty where you will be able to experience uniquely luxurious accommodation that blends country and coast with orchards, wildlife, green rolling hills with…
With a young family and a love and lust for well-designed international interiors, the brief was one that shared these two extreme needs. As a market maven at…
There is a certain feeling that comes with living in a loft style home. But it’s an uncommon thing to find a good one – and a truly…
Mid-century gem in need of complete gut and rehab. Ashley Campbell’s mission: to see it restored to its full potential. Photography : Meagan Larsen