This apartment by , is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg on the Vasilievsky Island, in a house built by architect A.F. Baranovsky in 1911-1912. This is a remarkable housing complex of the Art Nouveau era, which is listed for its facades. The apartment has a authentic original decor: gypsum stucco molding, two typical fireplaces and a furnace of the Rakkolanioki pottery factory.

Right before the reconstruction, the flat was a classic neglected communal apartment in the old St. Petersburg. The studio‘s main challenge was the removing of late Soviet layers, partitions and decoration and manifesting the traditional “grand apartment”, including the preservation and restoration of historical details. In the process of clearing, they discovered obscured doors between adjacent rooms, which were also uncovered (this solution was typical for pre-revolutionary apartments: neighboring rooms were often connected by openings, which made it possible to go around the apartment in a circle or pass from one room to another, by passing a long corridor).Enjoy the virtual tour!!!!


Anastasia is the lead author of She has studied English Literature and Psychology in the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens as well as Interior Design & Architecture in AKTO College. She works in the field of Higher Education and has a special passion for cozy interiors.

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